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How to understand the `gpg failed to sign the data` problem in git


You have installed GPG, then tried to commit and suddenly you see this error message after it:

error: gpg failed to sign the data
fatal: failed to write commit object


For understanding what's going on, first check what git is doing, so add GIT_TRACE=1 at the beginning of the command you used before (git commit or git rebase):

GIT_TRACE=1 git commit

With that you can see what GPG is doing: Probably you will see something like this

10:37:22.346480 run-command.c:637       trace: run_command: gpg --status-fd=2 -bsau <your GPG key>

(Check if your GPG key is correct)

Execute that gpg command again in the command line:

gpg --status-fd=2 -bsau <your GPG key>

👆🏻 With this now you could see what happened in detail!


We can have many problems, but I list what I found:

  1. It could be that the GPG key was expired:

  2. Another thing could be that the secret key was not set properly (In my case the message said gpg: signing failed: No secret key as it can be see in the image below). image It means that is not finding the key that was set. You would need to set up the GPG key in Git (again):

    • List the secret keys available in GPG.
    gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format=long
    • Copy your key
    • Set your key for your user in git
    git config --global user.signingkey <your key>
  3. Another popular solution that could help was shared here by @NirajanMahara:

  4. You can see in the thread of this gist other ways to find the solution to other problems. I recommend to read the Github guide for signing commits with GPG.

Hope it helps!

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Follow the below url to setup signed commit

if still getting gpg failed to sign the data fatal: failed to write commit object

this is not issue with git ,this is with GPG follow below steps

  1. gpg --version

  2. echo "test" | gpg --clearsign

if it is showing:

gpg: signing failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
gpg: [stdin]: clear-sign failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
  1. then use export GPG_TTY=$(tty)

  2. then try again echo "test" | gpg --clearsign in which PGP signature is.


Hash: SHA512


  1. git config -l | grep gpg


  1. apply git commit -S -m "initial commit 🚀🚀🚀🚀"
  2. or git config --global commit.gpgsign true

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Ziicco commented Jun 15, 2021

After running the following commands:

  1. gpg --version
  2. echo "test" | gpg --clearsign

I was getting:

Hash: SHA512


gpg: signal Segmentation fault caught ... exiting
Segmentation fault.

Instead of:

gpg: signing failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
gpg: [stdin]: clear-sign failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device

Any idea what might be wrong??... Thanks

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rnwilson commented Jul 4, 2021


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Thanks @NirajanWEB , It Worked for me.

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@NirajanWEB you're a lifesaver

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Thanks that brought me one step further. Unfortunately, for me it seems something is really broken, as git does not even push the signingkey to gpg. At least I know this part now.

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... export GPG_TTY=$(tty)...

Wow, thanks @NirajanWEB. How did you find that solution? I went through several stackoverflows that were way off before landing here.

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I'm posting in case this helps fellow travelers.

I learned today that your terminal window can be too small for GPG, which outputs similar errors to the above. When I'm in an ssh session I like to avoid the non-terminal display popup, obviously, so I use some environment variables for configuration.

In particular, I set GPG_TTY and, if in an ssh session, PINENTRY_USER_DATA to the following:

# in my $HOME/.bashrc
export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
if [[ -n "$SSH_CONNECTION" ]]; then

See for additional details.

Note: you'll probably need to set GIT_SSH_COMMAND as well to point to your key for source control, depending on your setup.

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I found this post very usefull! However my problem was that there was a comment in the GPG key, so the key was not found corretly with only the and config of git.

If your GPG key has a comment like:

test@pcname:~$ gpg --list-secret-keys
sec   rsa4096 2020-04-26 [SC]
uid           [ultimate] Test User (comment) <>
ssb   rsa4096 2020-04-26 [E]

but your git config is only:

test@pcname:~$ git config --get-all
Test User
test@pcname:~$ git config --get-all

then the call to GIT_TRACE=1 git commit -m "test commit" will result in

10:12:55.318107 git.c:439               trace: built-in: git commit -m 'test commit'
10:12:55.318852 run-command.c:663       trace: run_command: gpg --status-fd=2 -bsau 'Test User <>'
error: gpg failed to sign the data

where the comment is missing and gpg won't find the correct key. So you have to set it with

git config --global user.signingkey YOURKEY

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alfeyo commented Sep 29, 2021

Thank you for this

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exostin commented Oct 6, 2021

After 4 hours of frustrating attempts to fix this error, no answer I could find anywhere would work.
But I finally got it to work by using Kleopatra (installed along gpg4win).

  1. Make a new pair of keys in Kleopatra (ctrl + n)
  2. Select OpenPGP
  3. Enter your name and email
  4. Protect keys with a password
  5. And in the advanced settings you need to select RSA 4096bit

Keys generated in the git bash wouldn't work for me, but ones made with the way I described above do work and I can sign my commits in git bash, github desktop, visual studio, visual studio code without any issue.

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After hours of looking for a solution, only @exostin's approach worked for me, thank you!

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goldfish07 commented Nov 28, 2021

for users using webstorm , commit from terminal only
webstrom's terminal giving error:
error: gpg failed to sign the data
fatal: failed to write commit object

to fix this issue use OS terminal

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exostin commented Nov 28, 2021

Tbh I can't remember how I set that up, but I have used some command to automatically launch gpg signing client in background when opening git bash - that way I need to open git bash once, then I can close it and use other programs to manage my commits without any issue

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Hi there, i try myself to use my signikey on a new project.
Of course, i get this on InteeliJ terminal:
error: gpg failed to sign the data fatal: failed to write commit object
I try a lot of solution, like to commit on a terminal out of the IDE. Same results.
Dawn, i dont understand why at now, it dont work without this angry states.

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It could also be due to the fact that you need to enter a password. Run ssh-add before committing.

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devturp commented Dec 16, 2021

It seems for every branch I have, I need to execute the export GPG_TTY=$(tty) command before committing.

Is there anyway around this?

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Your steps worked. Thank you very much!

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kayvank commented Jan 6, 2022

Your solution worked for me. Thank you

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Thanks, the steps worked for me

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Fix propsed by @NirajanMahara worked for me, but It seems for every branch I have, I need to execute the export GPG_TTY=$(tty) command before committing.

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ShawnCockburn commented Jan 29, 2022

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OMG, great work @NirajanMahara , thx! It helped me to move from Win to Mac

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Thank you SO much @NirajanMahara !!

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I found this post very usefull! However my problem was that there was a comment in the GPG key, so the key was not found corretly with only the and config of git.

@gatoniel Thank you! You are an absolute life saver, your solution worked perfectly for me.

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@devturp add export GPG_TTY=$(tty) to your .bashrc and then you have to run the export command only for your first git commit after starting up your computer.
Reminder: Everytime you boot your computer you have to use the export command just once.

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dfdemar commented Mar 23, 2022

This comment fixed it for me.

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Thanks, debug info: [GNUPG:] KEYEXPIRED, trace flag is awesome!

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After upgrading my OSX to Monterey it stoped to work without reason. The GIT_TRACE didn't help to much because everything was correctly set. In the end I reinstalled the GPG Sutie via brew with the command brew reinstall --cask gpg-suite and it fixed the issue.

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omg I just need to run export GPG_TTY=$(tty)

  1. then use export GPG_TTY=$(tty)

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