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tailbane / Hawk's proposal
Created November 21, 2013 08:26
Hawk proposes to Dove
Hawk (So shall I begin?)
22:37 Lok (yes poleezes!)
22:37 Lok (gets under blankets.)
22:38 Hawk (*tucks Lok in* Now once upon a time lots of drama happened..P)
22:38 Lok (teehee)
22:40 Hawk sucked in a deep breath, and knocked on the door to /her/ room. He tried to relax, but found he couldn't...his stupid arm kept twinging.
22:42 Hawk After his chat with Lok he'd decided to talk with other men...for research purposes of course. Many talks later he finally felt like he had enough information to do this it was just a question of weather he had the nerve.
22:44 Hawk He mentally chided himself, 'I'm the goddamed Bloody Hawk, I've got nerves of steel!'. And yet still his legs quivered as he waited. He knocked again, louder this time.
22:44 Lok (I love seeing this side of hawk xD )
22:45 Hawk
tailbane / Hawklok Bromance
Created November 21, 2013 08:28
Hawk and Lok have their very first Bromance! is also their very last +.+
On the way to Cyberdome, our heroes decided to take the opportunity to rest and make camp. As the days events went by, nightfall soon came. Paranoid as ever, Lok volunteered to take first watch.
18:32 Lok Soon, all but Lok had fallen fast asleep. The forest trees whistle softly during the night. Various forest critters can be heard.
18:32 Rocketgirl Shira says, "Stay awake," then goes to curl up in front of Heinrich's tent.
18:32 Rocketgirl (opps)
18:33 *** Rocketgirl is now known as Hawk
18:33 Lok Except Shira.
18:33 Lok Shira was also awake.
18:33 Lok nods, and heads to his post.
18:33 Hawk She falls asleep quickly though, snoring loudly in her dog form.
18:34 Lok An hour passes by. Lok yawns. It seems this tonight will be uneventful.
tailbane / Bloody Hawks Compromised (Hawks POV)
Last active December 28, 2015 23:19
The Bloody Hawks have been compromised! This time, from Hawk's point of view!
*** Lok joined #DW
Hello. XD
tailbane / Reyhawk Romance
Last active December 28, 2015 23:29
Rey finally gets her romantic moment...with Hawk!
Rey woke up to a loud banging. She blinked and looked around..nothing seemed out of the ordinary. It must be someone at the door she mused.
00:32 Rey What if it was Lok back from his journey? Her heart raced, and she hopped out of bed...but wait..he couldn't be back just yet could he? It'd only been a few days.
00:34 Rey sighed, it was probably just Rat...the halfling child always tried to sleep in her bed when he had a nightmare. She'd always politely refuse then tuck him in back in his own bed.
00:34 Lok (D'awwww what a cutie)
00:34 Rey (hang on Marm needs to potty.)
00:35 Lok (MARLEY <3)
00:40 Rey (sorry, she took forever since it's raining out here, she better have actually gone )
00:41 Lok (Oh yeah, I didn't even notice it was raining today for the longest time @_@)
00:42 Rey (I don't think she went, whatever, she's gonna have to bug me alot before I go downstairs time she'll go when I say to...)
00:42 Lok (b-b-b-but it's marley! </3)
tailbane / Hawklok Confrontation
Created November 23, 2013 12:18
Enough is enough! The truth must be told! Lok settles the score and more!
Lok Hours pass by. Lok and Rey are still standing...still embracing each other silently.
23:29 Lok /I wish this moment lasted forever/, he thinks to himself.
23:30 Lok A draft blows through the broken window. It is now nighttime in Derphy. The night air is cold.
23:30 Lok sighs. The others will worry if Rey is missing for too long.
23:30 Rey shivers.
23:30 Lok "It's getting late..."
23:31 Rey "I hardly noticed.." She smiles, "You're so warm."
23:32 Lok holds her tightly and lets out a soft chuckle. "As are you Rey...I wish I could hold you forever but..."
23:32 Lok leans his head closer to Rey's ears. "...The others will worry..."
23:33 Rey blushes, "Yeah I guess they will...and I can't exactly stay here.." She giggles, "Hawk would have your head."
tailbane / Reylok Romance 3
Last active December 29, 2015 05:29
Rey and Lok have yet another romantic cuddle! And maybe more ;D
Previously, on Elona DW!
16:53 Lok Hawk continues without missing a beat, "Now you go ahead make up your mind about the man, I've got to begetting back to that lovely lil vixen in my bed." He abruptly leaves without a backward glance.
16:53 Lok Rey hesitates, but not for long, she gets herself dressed and is rushing to Lok's house as fast as her legs can take her.
16:53 Lok (And now we dance)
16:54 Rocketgirl (Yup yup)
16:55 Rocketgirl She's at Lok's hovel in minutes, she doesn't bother knocking this time, instead electing to slip through the still broken window. She searches for him.
16:56 Lok You see a dark figure laying on the couch. The room is badly lit, as the only source of light is the window you just came through.
16:56 *** Rocketgirl is now known as Rey
16:58 Rey is relieved that he is here, and safe. With hesitant steps she walks over to him.
16:59 Lok Lok is in a deep sleep. You can hear him slowly breathing. He has dark bags under his eyes. Perhaps he is exhausted from the day's ev
tailbane / Sheinrich romance
Last active December 29, 2015 05:49
Heinrich and Shira go hunting in the woods! But then things go horribly wrong...Or maybe they go horribly right?
Shira was excited, the lands outside Port Kapul weren't like the forest's of her home. No these woods were smaller and alive with new sights and smells! It felt so good to walk in nature once again.
18:40 Heinrich keeps a few paces behind her, not wanting to disturb anything she might be sneaking up on. It was her idea to come hunting, so he figures she knows what she's after, besides getting to know the land.
18:41 Shira Her child-like joy was contagious, "Heinrich I found another rabbit!" She displays the small creature's corpse to him with pride.
18:41 Shira (Shira joy = killing things XD)
18:42 Shira (brb, need to put whiny pup outside)
18:42 Heinrich (K.)
18:42 Heinrich raises an eyebrow. "You did indeed." It's a good thing that they multiply like... well...
18:43 Heinrich "You're really fast--is it because you can sneak up on them?"
18:46 Shira (back...I want to punt my Mother's stupid little dogs.)
18:46 Lok (back!)
tailbane / Shilok on Courtship
Created November 25, 2013 00:45
Shira's too horny! It's time Lok lectured her on..."Courtship!"
17:30 * Shira is bored for Heinrich is being annoyingly gentlemanly again...she loves that about him, but damn does it frustrate her at times..
17:30 * Shira decides buggin Lok will cheer her up, and opens his door without knocking.
17:31 < Lok> As you enter his room, Lok is started. He quickly turns around, using his body to cover up...Wait, what's he hiding?
17:32 < Lok> "Shira! What if I was busy with another lady!?"
17:32 * Lok is glaring at Shira. Beads of sweat form on his head.
17:33 < Shira> Shira's gives you a look, "Then you'd be untrue to you elf. I doubted that, so I came in."
17:33 < Shira> your*
17:35 * Lok is stuttering. "W-what? Uh...yes...I suppose that's true...well, what if I had been busy with...with..."
17:35 * Lok is at a loss for words. He decides to try and change the subject. "Why aren't you with Heinrich?"
17:35 * Shira raises an eyebrow, "With what?"
tailbane / Lok takes a nap.
Last active December 29, 2015 07:39
Lok takes a nap! Consequently, everyone starts to freak out. Also, Owl Eye is introduced!
Lok is sleeping peacefully with Rey by his side. The makeshift Couch bed is still intact, as neither Lok nor Rey shuffled around much duringt their sleep.
22:48 Lok It was a peaceful night's rest...
22:48 Lok ...perhaps /too/ peaceful.
22:48 Rey wakes up slowly, for a second she has no idea where she is and is terrified.
22:50 Rey Then the she recalls the night's events, and feels somewhat less terrified. She looks over at Lok to see if he's awake yet.
22:50 Lok Lok is sleeping peacefully. His hand is still in yours.
22:52 Rey squeezes his hand slightly, she kisses his fingertips.
22:52 Lok (SQUEEEE)
22:54 Rey (apparently that isn't scary to her lol)
22:54 Lok (If only Lok was conscious for that though!)
tailbane / Lok's debt
Created November 26, 2013 10:19
The truth must be told. But at what cost...?
Lok, you awake slowly, as though emerging through a thick fog. You think you hear someone weeping. A high pitched broken voice cries, "Why?..W-why didn't he tell me!" It sounds like Rey but you can't be sure. There is silence then a man's voice replies, "I imagine he didn't want to worry you...sometimes a lie is /kinder/ than an uncomfortable truth."
22:04 Rocketgirl Lok what do you do? Stay and listen, or peek and see who it is?
22:04 Lok I'll peek, as I'm too groggy to really put much thought into it.
22:09 Rocketgirl It's painful to sit up, your muscles groan in protest, but you manage to peek you head over the top of the couch. You see two people sitting against the far wall. The man is facing you, he is a clearly distressed Hawk. A girl is clinging to his chest and crying, she's practically sitting in his lap. You can't see her face, but you are certain it's Rey
22:09 Rocketgirl .
22:10 Rocketgirl What do you do?
22:10 Lok yawns. "...Rey? Hawk...? What are you doing here...?"e
22:12 Lok 's mind